Playing for Change - "Stand by Me"

Watched an interview by Bill Moyers with Mark Johnson of what an awesome project. Enjoy!

Playing For Change: Song Around the World "Stand By Me"

Why I am thankful and hopeful this morning…

This presidential election cycle has been an exciting one to say the least. The American people have spoken and this morning is the beginning of a new era in the life of our nation. With the election of Barack Obama to the office of president of the United States, we have once again shown ourselves to be “the land of the free and the home of the brave”. Regardless of one’s political preference, we can truly say that we are living in a grand historical moment.

Last evening, after the announcement of Senator Obama’s victory, I remarked on my Facebook page that I was proud of my country and hopeful for the future. That comment spurred a long time friend to ask, “Are you serious?” My answer was “Most definitely” and here’s why…

This morning, I am thankful… I am thankful that we live in a country where everyone, regardless of race or creed has the opportunity to aspire to the highest office in the land. And I am thankful that, 43 years after the "Selma to Montgomery March" and “Bloody Sunday”, we can proudly say that we have a person of color soon to serve as the president of the United States of America.

And this morning, I am also hopeful… I am hopeful because as a nation we are exhibiting to our world, a world so fractured by partisan, racial and sectarian strife, that even though we may hold varying opinions on important matters we can still stand together as one people. I am hopeful because, along with the ancient writers of scripture, I believe that it is God who sets up and removes leaders. And, lastly, I am hopeful because I serve One who promised his people “a hope and a future”.

In light of all this, there is one primary thing I can and will do… I can PRAY. I am reminded that, as a follower of Christ, I am called to pray for my leaders. I will pray for President-elect Obama. I will pray for protection, wisdom, and God’s guidance in his life as he prepares to lead our great nation. And I will pray for this country as we move forward into the as yet unknown opportunities and challenges of the future.

So, yes… I am thankful and I am hopeful… with no apologies.

Kung Fu Clown - An Election Day Diversion


What a great country we live in! :)

Wow... My picture is in Sam Farina's Blog...

Well actually it's the back of my head as well as the back of Julie's head. Second picture down:

I'm famous! :)

Are you an avid reader? How about a digital ebook reader?

My wife is an avid reader (Vince Flynn, Dean Koontz, etc). Sometimes she has up to 4 books going at the same time. With the iPod she got as a gift from the kids, she now has discovered the ease of listening to audio books. So in addition to having 3-4 physical books going on, she also has one going on her ipod as well! She is amazing.

The thing with physical books though is that they eventually find their way to your already crowded bookshelf. How would it be if you could put a large part of your library in the palm of your hand? And be able to switch through them without having to put the previous one down? How would it be to be able to read a magazine or newspaper practically instantaneously by simply tapping on your "book", no matter where you are? Well, that is now possible with something called "digital ebook readers". There are several on the market today with more being developed. You can find some reviews at which you may find helpful.

A popular reader is the PRS-505 developed by the Sony Corporation. It is small and lightweight. Along with the Amazon Kindle (considered the best on the market) it features a "paper-like" look on the screen.

Although I don't currently own a digital ebook reader, the whole concept intrigues me. What about you? Would you like something like a digital ebook reader? Or do you prefer the feel, look, and smell of a book in your hands? Comment below...

Self Definition

On this day 7 years ago, we witnessed the horrendous tragedy that we now call "Nine Eleven". During a time of silent contemplation as I gathered with a number of colleagues in ministry, I was reminded of something I heard in a Charlie Rose interview with Thomas L. Friedman (author of The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century). In that interview Friedman said something like this:

Since that fateful day seven years ago, we as a nation have defined ourselves through the lens of that event rather than through the lens of the "Fourth of July".
This morning I thought that so often even we as individuals get our self-definition from the tragic events of our lives rather than the hope we have in Christ! Lord help us to know who we are in you, and not be defined by the things that happen to us.

"Deception Pass"

Deception Pass is at the northern tip of Whidbey Island in the state of Washington. While on our vacation out west, Julie & I took a daytrip from the Pass down the length of Whidbey to the the Clinton-Mukilteo Ferry.

Circle of Quiet

Today as I was reading from the Psalms, I came across this incredible phrase in Psalm 94. It's out of THE MESSAGE...

God provides "a circle of quiet within the clamor of evil". (94:13)

Every day, every moment, on every side, we are bombarded by the clamor of evil. Things vying for our attention calling us to look away from what really matters. In the midst of all that our Creator has provided that circle of quiet from which we can draw strength for the day and the resources necessary to live out God's best. Get into the circle!


I'm excited about a new series of messages that I'll be teaching each Sunday throughout the summer months beginning tomorrow. I have entitled the series:


Did you know that the first three chapters of the biblical book of Genesis are a key to understanding the ultimate meaning of Life!
Yes... I really mean that... Think about it -- Genesis 1-3 deals with...

  • Creation,
  • The Environment,
  • Life’s Purpose,
  • Relationships,
  • Work,
  • Sin,
  • Redemption and
  • So Much MORE!!!

It's true... these first three chapters of this ancient book encompasses the answers we human beings are looking for.

Join me each Sunday at Warwick Assembly of God throughout the summer months as we journey together through this important part of Holy Scripture.

A Divine Encounter

A Divine Encounter

On Saturday April 26, I had the privilege of being a presenter at the Hudson Valley Leadership Summit. My workshop, attended by about 25 people, was entitled "Being Church in a Media Driven Culture". In about 50 minutes we surveyed the history of media (from Icons to Ipods) and explored the impact our digital culture has upon the way we do church today. It was a blast.

At the final session of the day (our keynote speaker was Rev. Charles Crabtree, former Assistant Superintendent of the Assemblies of God and now president of Zion Bible College), all the pastors were asked to stand. Then others in attendance were invited to lay hands on them and pray. As I closed my eyes, I felt the warmth of a hand on my right shoulder and heard a voice with obvious "African inflections" (I've been to Africa and have several African friends) begin to pray for me. Almost immediately, my eyes began to well up in tears and I sensed the presence of God in a way I haven't felt it in a long time. I don't know who that brother was nor do I remember what he prayed, but I sensed God saying to me that he has his hand on my life and ministry. I know it sounds rather trite, but it was a powerful experience for me.

I have learned a long time ago, that we can not manufacture those divine encounters nor should we try to "conjure" them up through all kind of spiritual gymnastics. God is God. God is sovereign. We just need to be open to Him doing in us what he wants and when he wants.